Autumn has
passed and I’m blessed to live in a part of Norway where the storms have passed
by and made no damages. The temperature has been very nice, but we are starting
to long for cold weather and a white Christmas.
Advent is the time of the year
when I try to stop in my haste. I remember to sit down and use my senses. The
smell of Christmas cakes and oranges, the sound of familiar songs and music on
the radio and in concerts, the lights in the windows and in the eyes of the
I have
become a grandmother this autumn and this is the first year with a small child
in the house. She ‘ll only be two and a half month for Christmas this year, but I bet she’ll get a
lot of attention.
I have done
little sewing this autumn, but I have knitted my grandchild a dress, myself a
jumper and my DD2 a jacket. The size on the finished objects and on the needles
varies a bit.
One of my
friends came up with the idea to make some linen cover for empty glasses to put
candles in. We pulled out some thread, decorated with text¸ crocheted roses,
buttons, and different treads. The text on mine is: Take time to be alone and
use your senses. Perfect for advent!